ZW3D는 사용하기 쉬운 리본 인터페이스, 워크 플로우, 유연하며 효율적인 3D 설계 기능 및 생산적인 어셈블리 성능을 제공합니다. 알기 쉬운 스케치와 더불어 세부 파트 및 어셈블리를 사용해 2D 도면을 구성하여, ZW3D는 컨셉 디자인부터 완제품까지 모든 과정을 설계자에게 안내합니다. 매끄러운 서피스 모델과 쉬트메탈 부품을 생성하기 위한 품질측정 도구에 액세스 할 수 있을 뿐 아니라,내장된 리버스 엔지니어링으로 포인트 데이터나 STL 데이터를 처리 할 수 있습니다. ZW3D로 손쉽게 생산적인 설계가 가능합니다.
편리한 파일관리 
ZW3D파일은 다양한 요구사항에 맞추고자 다중객체 및 단일객체로 제공.
• 단일객체파일용 파일타입 추가.
• 새로운 "팩킹(Pack)" 기능으로 Z3 및 관련 파일을 보관.
• 객체 관리자용 개선사항 추가.
• 새로운 "자동파일복구(Auto File Recovery)"으로 저장안된 변경사항 복구.

스마트하며 사용자친화적인 스케치
• 더욱 손쉬운 커브 생성, 편집 및 품질검증.
• 특정 커브(곡선)에 클릭하여 점을 찍으면 핸들 하나가 탄젠트(접선), 탄젠트 크기, 반경 및 위치를 변경하도록 드래그
• "파워트림(Power Trim)" 명령은 객체들을 매우 쉽게 직관적으로 정리하거나 삭제해줌
• 객체수를 늘리려면, "복사(Copy)"를 사용함. 현재는 "패턴(Pattern)"이라는 새로운 기능도 있음.
유연하며 효율적인 3D 모델링
ZW3D는 솔리드 및 서피스 형상 하이브리드 모델링 기술을 기반으로 독창적인 제품설계 경험을 제공한다는 점에서 기존의 3D 캐드 프로그램과는 다르며, 파라미터 모델링과 직접편집(Direct Edit)으로 더욱 효율적인 제품설계 가능
• ZW3D만의 오버드라이브 커널을 기반으로, 솔리드 서피스 하이브리드 모델링은
솔리드 형상과 서피스 형상 사이의 불리언 작업을 가능하게 하며, 솔리드가 필요 없어져서 더욱 자유롭게 설계 가능
• 매개변수 모델링(Parametric modeling)으로 설계자는 기하형상(geometry)을 쉽게 편집하여 전체관리
• 직접편집 모델링(Direct Edit modeling)은 원래 위치나 불러오기한 모델에서 히스토리를 다시 생성하지 않고 기하형상을 신속하게 수정하도록 더욱 유연한 도구를 제공
• 매끄러운 제품 모형 생성을 위해 유연한 서피스 모델링 도구를 제공
• 여러 가지 강력한 모델링 도구는 더욱 많은 가능성을 제시하며, 설계자는 모핑(Morph), 랩핑(Wrap)
, 엠보스 (Emboss)
로 지속적인 혁신이 가능
생산적인 조립(Assembly) 설계
사용하기 쉬운 조립 기능은 설계자가 조립을 관리하고 설계과정에 속도를 내고 생산성을 향상시키도록 조립체 설계를 확대하여 확인할 수 있게함.
2D 도면
• 판금(Sheet Metal)
테두리(flange), 확장테두리(lofted flange), 딤플 및 루버 같은 다양한 판금 형상을 손쉽게 생성합니다. 솔리드 접기 및 펼치기, 솔리드와 서피스 하이브리드 모델링 기술을 사용하여 ZW3D에서 기하형상 열기 가능. 상세보기>>
• 리버스 엔지니어링
내장된 리버스 엔지니어링 기능으로, 설계자는 STL, 포인트 및 스캔 데이터를 사용하여 서피스나 3D 모델을 구성할 수 있을뿐 아니라 틈새를 정리하여 CNC 머시닝용 모델을 준비하며, 서피스를 생성하여 틈(Gap)을 보수함. 이를 3D프린터와 연결하여 실제 모형을 생성할 수 있음
• 용접
사용자는 새로운 용접기능으로 부재(스트럭쳐 멤버), 가셋트, 엔드캡 등을 쉽게 생성할 수 있고, 이는 마감처리를 제대로 하게하는 장치를 부착한 섹션바로 구성되어 있으며, 가끔은 용접 비이드를 사용하여 서로 연결

Solid-Surface Hybrid Modeling: Future Trends of 3D CAD Modeling
Solid-Surface Hybrid Modeling, developed on ZW3D’s OverdriveTM kernel, combines the traits of both solid modeling and surface modeling technologies to enable flexible and convenient 3D CAD designing.
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Boosting Mold Design with ZW3D CAD/CAM
Are you suffering the various frustrations during mold design process? Are you troubled by tedious core & cavity splitting? ZW3D can help to provide a productive workflow during mold design process as a time saver.
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Manufacturing Better Product Smartly with ZW3D CAM
ZW3D CAM, powered by the unique QuickMillTM technology, can assist you to machine smartly and efficiently with seamless collaboration between CAD & CAM.
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Speeding Up CNC Machining with ZW3D Tool Path Editor
Tool Path Editor, a tool embedded in ZW3D CAD/CAM 2014 allowing further modification of the tool path, can reduce programming time and boost CNC machining with commands like ReOrder, Trim, Extend and Transform.
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Enjoy Convenient and Flexible Product Design with ZW3D
ZW3D, powered by the unique Solid-Surface Hybrid Modeling, can speed up the product process and boost design productivity with the shortened learning curve and the flexibility of design.
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Secrets on Simplifying Mechanical Design Procedures
ZW3D, empowered by parametric technology and all-in-one CAD/CAM solution, can simplify mechanical designing by supporting synchronization of changes on parts, assembly and CNC programs, saving leads time with reduced communication cost.
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ZW3D CAD/CAM White Paper
Solid-Surface Hybrid Modeling: Future Trends of 3D CAD Modeling
With the innovation of computer aided design technology, it is easier than ever to express the world three-dimensionally. The technology of 3-demensional modeling is ever-developing with diversified modeling approaches like wireframe modeling, solid / surface modeling, feature modeling and synchronous technology. ZW3D CAD/CAM software presents users with solid-surface hybrid modeling technology, developed on the foundation of ZW3D kernel - OverdriveTM, resulting in great 3D CAD modeling flexibility.
For details, please download the full PDF version.
Make your CAD/CAM works easier, get ZW3D 30-day trial now!
ZW3D CAD/CAM White Paper
Boosting Mold Design with ZW3D CAD/CAM
With the requirements of users continuously increasing, mold design at the present time faces more challenges than ever, such as the low efficiency in quotation, core and cavity separation, mold design and so on. ZW3D functions as both perfect time saver for quotation and reliable booster for mold design, improving the mold design efficiency greatly.
For details, please download the full PDF version.
Make your CAD/CAM works easier, get ZW3D 30-day trial now!
ZW3D CAD/CAM White Paper
Manufacturing Better Product Smartly with ZW3D CAM
Currently, it costs a lot to educate CAM beginners to become experienced users , so what is really imperative is to make the CAM systems smarter and easier to use. In ZW3D, if you want to machine the holes with different tools, you can use the tactic technology by few clicks.
In CAM, ZW3D greatly enhances machining and makes it smarter and easier to use. With the application of the design for manufacturing by which the CAM tool path will be updated whenever the CAD data is updated, ZW3D help greatly shorten the CAM machining process by understanding the CAD design.
For details, please download the full PDF version.
Make your CAD/CAM works easier, get ZW3D 30-day trial now!
ZW3D CAD/CAM White Paper
Speeding Up CNC Machining with ZW3D Tool Path Editor
During machining, perfect parts always require great manufacturing skills. However, generation of accurate tool paths is a quite time-consuming work, which could be extremely troublesome without the help of good tools. In ZW3D, if you want to generate a tool path, you can always rely on a perfect functionality - Tool Path Editor, to do this job without complex operations.
ZW3D can help you to greatly reduce programming time with Tool Path Editor and makes it simpler and smarter to produce a perfect tool path for machining. With the power of ReOrder, Trim, Extend and Transform, the time spent on adjusting the parameters and recalculation will be greatly reduced.
For details, please download the full PDF version.
Make your CAD/CAM works easier, get ZW3D 30-day trial now!
ZW3D CAD/CAM White Paper
Enjoy Convenient and Flexible Product Design with ZW3D
Normally speaking, most people are fancy about products with eye-catching shapes. Thus, designing products with strong visual impact becomes crucial to designers, making market competition tenser and tenser.
Featuring diversified modeling capabilities, like Solid-Surface Hybrid Modeling technology, Flex Tools and Morph Tool etc., ZW3D CAD/CAM enables designers to realize their wild creation flexibly and efficiently with shortened learning curve, saved leads time and reduced cost.
For details, please download the full PDF version.
Make your CAD/CAM works easier, get ZW3D 30-day trial now!
ZW3D CAD/CAM White Paper
Secrets on Simplifying Mechanical Design Procedures
Featured with parametric technology, ZW3D can boost mechanical design by synchronizing any modifications made on a mechanical part with their relevant parts family and assembly.
In addition, apart from providing a library of standard parts, ZW3D also offers some handy tools to do some personalized designs, such asembeddedlogos and transitions of the contour. With ZW3D, designers can use wrapping to map mechanical parts with logos, adjust the transition of the connection with a few clicks, and transform the parts in seconds to easily build part family for future use.
For details, please download the full PDF version.
Make your CAD/CAM works easier, get ZW3D 30-day trial now!