ZW3D 2015 Release: Expand CAD/CAM Reach with Partner Applications
March 18, 2015
ZW3D today announced the availability of ZW3D 2015, bringing much improved design and manufacturing experience and expanding reach of niche markets with multiple partner applications.
A Conversation with Joh Li, CTO of ZW3D CAD/CAM
March 11, 2015
This is the interview of Joh Li, CTO of ZW3D CAD/CAM, who talked about the ZW3D from different perspectives.
Technopakas Chose ZW3D to Boost Plastic Package Design and Manufacturing
February 11, 2015
ZW3D, one of the world's leading suppliers of advanced CAD/CAM solutions for the manufacturing industry, today announced that it has been selected by Technopakas , the most efficient plastic packaging manufacturer in the Baltic region.
Mingfeng Packaging Upgrades Luxury Packaging Design with ZW3D
January 20, 2015
ZW3D today announced that it has been chosen by Mingfeng Packing, the leading packaging supplier in China, helping them upgrade 2D CAD design platform into ZW3D CAD/CAM solution.
ZW3D 2015 Beta Release: Upgraded Tools to Ease Design & Machining Tasks
January 06, 2015
ZW3D today announced the availability of ZW3D 2015 Beta, delivering new features and numerous enhancements to minimize overheads and maximize productivity in the design and manufacturing process.